
February 2013
“Steiner Saga Ends”
By Mels Barton
Steiner schools have a fantastic reputation for being a kinder, gentler alternative to education. In fact, the local Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School even advertises itself as being a “safe, peaceful, natural learning haven”. Many people bring their children there for those very reasons. This is what Steve Paris and Angel Garden did, but what they found was far from what was being advertised. The school can indeed be a haven if there are no problems, as was the case for their middle child in Kindie for over a year.
But when their eldest enrolled later on, she immediately encountered problems with bullying. The parents’ continued requests for something to be done about it led all their children to be expelled without warning or right of appeal.
What followed was a three and a half year struggle to redress this wrong and clear their reputation, which the school community destroyed with impunity. With the help of the Human Rights Commission, the parents successfully mediated with the Steiner school and you can read the joint signed statements on their website,