
24th of May 2009

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Dear Angel and Steve,

Thank you for your letter dated 21/05/09 outlining your concerns with the behavioural issues in class 3/4 and how these are being dealt with by the College of Teachers.

We (the Trust) we made aware by the CoT that there were issues they were dealing with on an email from Heather Peri dated 21/05/09 giving us a brief outline of things and their

plans for working to resolve things.

You may not be aware but the "structure" of the relationship between the teachers,

principal/management and trust in the Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School is quite different to other schools.

The Trust Deed which the school is founded on leaves the management of the school, teachers and pupils to the teachers (CoT) and the Trusts role is to supply the facilities and

money to enable this to happen.

Unfortunately this leaves the issue you have raised to be dealt with by the CoT as it does not fall within the role of the Trust.

That said we are very concerned about this and will be working closely with the

CoT/Management team to assist in any way we can and to see that your concerns are addressed.

We understand that Mark Thornton will be (may have already) contacting you about

meeting and following up on things so hopefully this will be a step towards resolving things.

Heather is away for a week and therefore the Trust and Cot will not meet until the week of the 1/06/09 but please be assured we will be discussing this and the progress being made to see a resolution.

Please feel free to email me [email address] or ph [phone numbers] if you feel you would like to discuss this further.

Yours faithfully

Rudolf Steiner School (Titirangi) Trust

Sean Gribben

Trust Chair