
10th of July 2009, 6:50pm

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10th July 2009

Steve Paris – Angel Garden

Dear Angel and Steve

Thank you for your letter dated Monday 6th July 2009.

We recognise that having trespass orders in place may cause you some difficulties with your residency applications and we are keen to help you to remove this impediment as quickly as possible.

To enable that to happen it is necessary to bring full closure to the relationship between your family and the overall school community as all parties involved have the perception that too much damage has been done.

The TRSS propose arranging a mediated meeting to achieve this closure. We would expect one of the outcomes from such a meeting to be agreement by all parties on the steps necessary to having any trespass orders held by the school revoked.

We would be open to you suggesting a qualified mediator or we could suggest someone for you to consider. It would be the responsibility of any mediator to identify and have agreed with all parties the agenda and objectives, as well as any constraints, before the meeting to ensure we have clear agreements in place before we proceed.

Recognising that the Trust operates on a voluntary basis, nonetheless, we do undertake to progress this matter with all possible speed given the current level of distress for all concerned.

We await your response.

Rudolf Steiner School (Titirangi) Trust

Sean Gribben