
19th of June 2009

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Dear Angel and Steve

I write in regard to your letter received on 11 June.

Since your child was not expelled from the school (the place was withdrawn, not for reasons stemming from [R]), there is no requirement to report immediately to the Ministry of Education; your other children are not on the school roll.

To clarify again the reasons why we are no longer willing to offer places to your children at the school:

          1.We have found that you have fundamental opposition to a school policy and do not believe that there is sufficient likelihood of you being able to support the school in working with this policy (namely, behaviour management).

          2.We have found your presence at school is increasingly disruptive for children and staff and has a negative impact on the life of the school.

          3.The various threats you made with regard to actions you are considering taking lead us to view that we cannot expect to find a sustainable relationship suitable for you, your children, staff and other parents.

We believe that the above represents a fundamental and irreparable breakdown in our relationship and that further meetings, even with a mediator, are only likely to make this situation more difficult for all concerned.

We also acknowledge receipt of your letter addressed to the Management and College of Teachers dated 16 June and received by us on 17 June, the email message of 16 June passed via Kay Ingamells and your letters to our Trust passed on to us on 15 June and 19 June.

We note you wish for a mediating meeting and this is something we will discuss with the College of Teachers and Trust and respond to you within 7 days.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Thornton

For the College Management Team