
5th of June 2009, 12:21pm

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From: Angel Garden

Subject: waiting to hear from you

Date: 5 June 2009 12:21:11 pm GMT+12:00

To: Mark Thornton

Dear Mark

We note that you said you would be contacting us this morning, regarding last weeks incident.  We haven't heard from you about this but in the meantime obviously further events have taken place.

We understand that complaints have apparently been made about [R]'s behaviour yesterday and we find it completely unsurprising.  The delay in dealing with the important issue of last week which you wrongly referred to as 'lying', when it was about stealing, has not helped [R] to feel safe at school.  You are creating the conditions for worse and worse behaviour from everyone by your inability to actually deal with it.

Being threatened with an axe and pushed down a steep bush-covered bank, has not helped either.  We consider the school's actions in leaving [R] alone with [...], given that he had already told the school in his 'interview' that he was 'pissed off' with [R], in a situation involving sharp tools, to lack any professional integrity whatsoever and any complaints about her must be taken in that context.  What were they?

Doubtless you will have some mechanism to avoid this issue and make it about something else, which we must now say we consider to be itself a form of bullying masquerading as sincere concern.

It is having a deleterious effect, and we do not feel able to deal with this alone anymore, as it is taking up all our time and actually [R] is suffering more, not less.


angel and steve