
16th of June 2009, 12:23pm

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From: Kay Ingamells

Subject: tolerance

Date: 16 June 2009 12:23:53 pm GMT+12:00

To: Heather Peri

Cc: Angel Garden

Hi Heather, Mark and Sheryl

Steve and Angel have requested that I  contact you to let you know that it has always been my understanding that Angel and Stever were (and are), open to other possibilities other than 'zero tolerance'.

They have heard that from other parents that the school appeared to think that they were closed to other options and this has not been the case.

Steve and Angel are concerned to clear up any misunderstandings.

I was aware that they were open to other ideas as they had spoken with me about the possibility of attending a meeting to talk about other ways forward.



Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 22:22:28 -0700

From: Heather Peri

Subject: Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School - Mediation Offer

To: Kay Ingamells

CC: Mark Thornton; Sheryl Mace

Dear Kaye

Thank you for your considered response to recent events at the school.  We appreciate the clear articulation of your concerns and your wish to see further dialogue between parties with a skilled external mediator.

I would like to assure you that this recommendation is being given serious and careful consideration.

Please do not hesitate to speak or email either Sheryl, Mark or myself if you would like to discuss this further.

With kind regards

Heather Peri