Yet More Lies from the School

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Well, Paddy Delaney (pictured above with Heather Peri) wrote back to us as follows:

Hi Steve & Angel

“You are perfectly correct it was not a restraining order it was a trespass order and I am happy to correct this statement but at the end of the day the interaction between you and other parent(s) at the school ... for whatever reason and clearly from your perspective justified.....this created then and it still remains an untenable situation between you and parents at the school.”

No Paddy, it was a Trespass Notice, no kind of “order” at all. 


We’re quoting this again here, in case the significante of Paddy’s disclaimer to his own lies escapes you… Here is what a school pupil said to us outisde the school. Clearly Paddy’s claim that these lies haven’t made any difference to how we are seen, is a furter untruth! You can read the whole transcript here.

Girl: … Do you, or do you not have a restraining order?

Angel: Of entering the school?

Steve: Yeah.

Girl: Yes.

Angel: A Trespass Order.

Steve: A Trespass Notice.


How unbelievably convenient! No apology then for hacking up our reputations with nothing but lies. That shouldn’t surprise us I guess, given the Trustees’ record on facing up to their mistakes.  Paddy hasn’t answered our question about how he’s going to put the lie about the Trespass Notices right in the community, which neatly illustrates the point. 

Because there’s a good reason for that, because the lies about us are serving a very important purpose which is to hide the truth and to protect those responsible for the damage to our children, and through them, to the school.  

We do not and we never did owe it to the parents of the Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School to accept these atrocious illegal acts, done in the name of Rudolf Steiner, and just slink off as pathetic victims.  I would like to hear anyone argue that we do!  That is a complete joke.

Oh I know people can break our signs, or call us names in the Press, but that’s not the same as having a valid argument.  That’s just misplaced vitriol, cleverly manipulated towards us to hide the rather alarming facts.

Look at it this way Paddy.  If you and the other Liable parties hadn’t been so slow to see, or to listen to what was going on under your noses, there wouldn’t have been any “post-events”, and you know it.  If you had responded to our “urgent request” on 21st May 2009 there wouldn’t even have been any expulsions.  

And for the very same reason, you would not have legally compromised the school so badly.   What was that the Chairman said, people were ringing him up in tears about what was happening to their beloved school because of our web-site?  And you all, with your Fiduciary duty to our children, as well as all the others, were content to blame us while you actually sat on your fulsome bottoms!

Two weeks it took us to put up our website.  That’s two weeks after the expulsions.  Do the Trustees think that our little girls should have to wait two weeks out of school, after being illegally expelled, while you lounged about “in the process of actually starting to get involved” (Sean’s own words). It took you another two weeks after that, to actually talk to us and then you kept wanting to make conditions of secrecy, whilst being blind to the part your inaction had played.

Sean Gribben took offence because we leafleted, and made a protest.  He was so outraged by the fact that we dared to say “no, we’re not taking this, it’s wrong”, and to become public about it because of the weakness of the Trust response.  So what did he do? He allowed himself to be even more slow to respond, like a petulant bully idly scraping his toe on the school playground, while some unfortunate cringes in front of him.  But that was the fatal mistake because you see, we knew we’d been shafted. And we weren’t cringing victims.  And the policy was to tell, and we have, and we will.

Why are people so shocked that people who complained about bullying towards their children, won’t accept being bullied themselves?

Parents at the school should ask themselves, what if the Trustees had been quicker to respond? In fact, we had flagged it up to them on the 21st May, a full SEVENTEEN DAYS before the expulsions took place, detailing our concerns and asking for an “urgent response”.

Sean Gribben pointed out to us that we should have waited for his response to our original letter even though, we were thrown out of the school in the meantime! (although that was seventeen whole days after we had requested an urgent response).

Forseeable hazards?  We think so.

What he said was that due to us not waiting for his response until he could be arsed to make one, in spite of the expulsions, that the Trust  “weren't given the opportunity to get involved”.

What a load of .......... You didn’t see the opportunity, the urgency or anything else, you didn’t take the opportunity, you didn’t listen, in failing to act, you missed the opportunity.  Say that.

No wonder we, finding that this Manager could do apparently whatever he liked, and that the trust was indeed (as Desmond Burdon told us at the time) completely powerless, felt that we must raise awareness of the multiple hazards present in the situation, after all, look at the damage it did to our children.

In reality Mark Thornton, and the managers in the College of Teachers,  Heather Peri and, rather unbelievably, Sheryl Mace, could only get away with it, because The Trust did not raise themselves to stop them in spite of a long and urgent forewarning. 

And in fact Sean Gribben and Paddy Delaney admitted over and over again that it was wrong, out of order, You even admitted that didn’t you Paddy, both you and Sean, several times, when we met.  You admitted that your response had not been quick enough, and that 90% of people in the school thought that Mark had screwed up big-time.  We’re actually sure that would have been closer to 99%.  Everybody in fact, but those parents who were given the opportunity, again by Mark Thornton, to vent their venom at us for complaining about the appalling instances of assault that were taking place much of it committed by their children.

He also said that “most parents” probably understood how angry we had been, roughly the same amount that thought the children should be immediately re-instated.

The Trust couldn’t agree about whether any Trust members had known about the expulsions before they happened, and indeed there is conflicting evidence that some of them at least did, nevertheless they did nothing.

(Blimey it’s no wonder they couldn’t stop the kids bullying, if they couldn’t stop the teachers and managers doing it either!)

Then you actually said that our “anxious reaction” was a reason why the parents now hated us so now that was the problem. Hey Presto!  The classic switcheroo!

We were left to moulder, our anxiety rose and rose and then we made further protest that worried parents because they could sense the ‘financial and legal danger’ that the school was becoming open to.

Gosh, more suspicious people might suggest that the delay was purposeful in order to further provoke actions that could then be used as an excuse for the expulsions in the first place, then all the damage to be further projected onto us, and so indirectly onto our children.

Hmm, deviously clever.  Who would stoop so low?

Our behaviour, our reaction, our anxiety, was upsetting everybody?  Well yes, that’d be right.  Expelled for following the school policy that the teacher couldn’t implement, our five year old flung out of her beloved kindy in a vicious coup launched by your Manager (who a Trustee describes as The Weasel), and left to moulder “patiently” for a full six weeks after we flagged it up to the Trust - who wouldn’t be anxious?

Whatever their excuses, by their inaction the Trust has manifestly failed to execute its responsibility as Trustees, whose Duty as employers at a Private School, is of paramount and acute importance. 

There can be no escape from this.  You must realise that.

When are you going to admit that you are not only liable for the damage caused by any legal and financial dangers, but that your inaction actually caused them by not doing your jobs, damaging children in the name of Steiner Education with gay abandon, in the process.

And in fact the continuation of post-events, like this posting for example is down to the same thing, because after all this time, we are still saying exactly the same thing.  Whereas we will soon publish a list of all the different rubbish excuses that have been given by the school for their outrageous abuse of three small children.

The school can’t keep one set of reasons for any length of time, because we keep shooting them down with hard evidence. That’s the problem with lies.

But when you think about it, it’s really been pretty handy having a pair of scapegoats hasn’t it?

Don’t you think people might feel doubly manipulated when they realise that all the time they’ve wasted shooting the messenger means the damage has got really out of hand because you’ve been trying to hide it and project it onto us and our children, instead of facing up to your mistakes, taking responsibility for them, and trying to put them right - your legal duty.

Time will tell.  What’s that old saying?  “All that is needed for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”  Hmmm

And the fact that a year has gone by?  Irrelevant.  What bloody difference does that make except for a visceral preference by self-interested parents that these important issues should go away because it’s not comfortable for them?  Sorry guys, we don’t owe anybody that either.

For ourselves we promise to give it all straight back as we did from the off, all the lies, the accusations of thuggery from people who are content to peddle lies about us, all of it.  

Hard facts and evidence are what’s needed and we have consistently provided both.

It is time now to point out that for over a year now we have been doing this with the limitation that this site was actually set up with the express purpose of not publicising these illegal and outrageous expulsions.

Yeah, it’s time to really point that out!  Ok, the manipulation of getting parents to think it was all our own fault may have been very successful, as Paddy and Sean put it, we “played into Mark’s hands” by not just behaving like victims (a nice pliant subordinate response to an atrocious illegal act - and what about the implication in this statement that Mark Thornton is the arch-villain of the piece? Not a shock to most people, we’re sure, but a clear reason to move to robust preventative action, especially with your liability!)  

SO if you’ve been outraged by the photos of real people appearing recently, that’s just because in general we haven’t done that much, against our better judgement really.

Because the fact remains that we set this site up to try and communicate with parents, present, past and potential, when we were evicted off school property for trying to follow the school rules.  This site represents our efforts to warn people about the real dangers whilst not going to the media, which we were “persuaded” not to do by personal threats from Kay Ingamels, explanation here.

But that’s all in the past.  Now that we’re moving on, it’s time to evaluate the wisdom and effectiveness of that decision, especially in view of the school entities’ continuous and rigorous fact massagement, and the way they shamelessly feed misinformation to everybody, Paddy!   

Where has the effort to keep it on the down-low got us - “restraining orders” apparently, accusations of being “thugs”, “bullies” even, and how many more lies?

And what about the warning aspect of the site with that limitation?  Have our warnings actually managed to prevent similar harm coming to other children? 

And how many people have actually seen this site, in spite of the fact that we have done nothing whatsoever to promote it anywhere?

We will soon have some interesting and surprising facts and statistics as well as some exciting news about what is going to happen next. 

Our invitation for anybody to contribute has now expired. We asked you numerous times over the last year, and hand-delivered an official invitation on the 11th of August.  Anybody seriously thinking and feeling that they have something to contribute will now have to make their own documentary about it.